
eject button

eject button, 꺼냄 버튼


This emoji represents the button used to eject things like CDs or USB drives. It's characterized by an upward-pointing triangle.

This symbol was commonly seen on CD players and computers in the past. Now, it represents the 'export' function on digital devices.

이 이모지는 CD나 USB 같은 것을 꺼낼 때 사용하는 버튼이에요. 위쪽을 가리키는 삼각형 모양이 특징이에요.

예전에 CD플레이어나 컴퓨터에서 자주 보던 기호예요. 지금은 디지털 기기에서 '내보내기' 기능을 나타내요.

Windows 11

Once a symbolic icon of the physical media era, this emoji has evolved to represent 'export' or 'extract' in the digital world. It's also used when transferring data to cloud storage or external devices.

While digital natives may have limited experience ejecting physical CDs, this symbol still lives on as a metaphor for 'separation' or 'independence.' It has particularly become an intuitive way to represent exiting a program or logging out.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

⏏️ let's bounce
⏏️ time to dip
⏏️💨 quick escape
⏏️🚪 sweet exit
⏏️🏃 lunch run