next track button
next track button, 다음 트랙 버튼
This button skips to the next piece of content in the music you're listening to or the video you're watching. It features two triangles and a vertical bar.
It's frequently used to skip to the next song in a music playlist. You often see it in music apps like Spotify or Melon.
현재 듣고 있는 음악이나 보고 있는 영상의 다음 콘텐츠로 넘어가는 버튼입니다. 두 개의 삼각형과 세로 막대가 있어요.
음악 플레이리스트에서 다음 곡으로 넘어갈 때 많이 사용해요. 스포티파이나 멜론 같은 음악 앱에서 자주 볼 수 있죠.
This button has evolved alongside the development of digital music. From the era of CD players to current streaming services, it has become an essential control for enjoying music.
Recently, it has become more than just a way to skip to the next song; linked with AI-based music recommendation services, it's being used as a tool for discovering new music. Gen Z is using this button to explore diverse music from around the world.