circled M
circled M, 원글자 엠
Ⓜ️ represents subways or public transportation. It is frequently used as a subway sign in many countries around the world.
Especially in many cities in Europe and the United States, it's a sign made from the first letter of Metro (subway). It's convenient because even tourists can easily recognize it.
Ⓜ️는 지하철이나 대중교통을 나타내는 기호예요. 세계 여러 나라에서 지하철 표시로 자주 사용하고 있어요.
특히 유럽과 미국의 많은 도시에서 Metro(지하철)의 첫 글자를 따서 만든 표시랍니다. 관광객들도 쉽게 알아볼 수 있어서 편리해요.
This symbol became widespread from the 1970s as part of the standardization of public transport systems. After being first used by the Paris Metro, it became universal worldwide.
What's interesting is that each city uses a slightly different design. Paris mainly uses a red M, New York yellow and black, and Seoul a blue M, reflecting the identity of each city.