
check mark button

check mark button, 체크 표시 버튼


This green check mark indicates completion or confirmation. It's often used for checking off to-do lists or confirming appointments.

This check mark gives a positive and bright feeling. It's frequently used on social media or in messages to mean "I've checked it" or "I understand."

완료했거나 확인했다는 뜻을 나타내는 초록색 체크 표시예요. 할 일 목록이나 약속을 확인할 때 많이 사용해요.

이 체크 표시는 긍정적이고 밝은 느낌을 줘요. SNS나 메시지에서 '확인했어요', '알겠어요'라는 의미로 자주 써요.

Windows 11

This check mark is a representative symbol of approval in the digital age, especially established as a UI element indicating task completion or confirmation of settings in mobile apps or software. The green color represents "progress" and "permission."

Recently, it has become a key icon in to-do list apps and productivity tools, serving as a visual representation of accomplishment. Especially among Gen Z, it's recognized as an essential emoji for documenting a productive lifestyle ('god-saeng') or sharing achieved goals.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

✅ cleared
✅💪 nailed it
✅🎯 done!
✅✨ success
✅👊 finished
✅🔥 perfect execution
✅😎 clean
✅💯 all clear
✅🎉 mission complete