raised hand
raised hand, 손바닥
This emoji is a basic hand shape showing the palm. It's often used as a greeting or a stop signal.
It's the image of an open hand, like when you present 'bo' in rock-paper-scissors. It's also frequently used for a friendly greeting.
이 이모지는 손바닥을 보여주는 기본적인 손 모양이에요. 인사나 정지 신호로 자주 사용돼요.
가위바위보에서 '보'를 내밀 때처럼 손바닥을 펴서 보여주는 모습이에요. 친근하게 인사할 때도 많이 써요.
This emoji can be interpreted in various ways depending on the culture. In the West, it's often used as a 'high five,' while in the East, it's more commonly used as a gesture for 'stop' or 'refusal.'
In digital communication, this emoji can have very different nuances depending on the context. From a friendly greeting to a serious warning or restraint, it's used as a versatile expressive tool that can convey various emotions depending on the context.