
red question mark

red question mark, 빨간색 물음표


A red question mark is a symbol used when you have a question or are unsure about something. It's frequently used in chats and text messages.

Using this question mark in social media or messages helps express questions more clearly. Its red color makes it easily noticeable.

빨간색 물음표는 궁금한 것이 있거나 잘 모를 때 사용하는 기호예요. 채팅이나 문자를 보낼 때 자주 쓰이는 표시죠.

SNS나 메시지에서 이 물음표를 사용하면 상대방에게 질문하는 것을 더 잘 표현할 수 있어요. 빨간색이라서 눈에 잘 띄는 것도 장점이랍니다.

Windows 11

The question mark is believed to have been created in the 8th century by a scholar named Alcuin. It originated from a small "Q" used to mark the end of a question, and gradually evolved into the question mark we know today.

In the digital age, the red question mark goes beyond a simple question mark, also serving as a symbol of emphasis and attention. Especially in emoticon and emoji culture, it's often used to express curiosity, puzzlement, and sometimes suspicion or uncertainty.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

❓ whatever
❓🤔 thinking...
❓😅 idk tbh
❓🙃 confused
❓😶 hmm
❓🤷 dunno
❓😕 what's that
❓🧐 what even