
flag: Belgium

flag: Belgium, 깃발: 벨기에


This is the flag of Belgium. It features three vertical stripes of black, yellow, and red.

Used since 1831, this flag symbolizes Belgium, a central European country. The three colors are derived from the colors of the Duchy of Brabant, used during the independence movement.

벨기에의 국기입니다. 검정, 노랑, 빨강 세 가지 색으로 구성된 세로 줄무늬가 특징입니다.

1831년부터 사용된 이 국기는 유럽의 중심국가인 벨기에를 상징합니다. 세 가지 색상은 독립운동 당시 사용된 브라반트 공국의 색상에서 유래했습니다.

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The three colors of the Belgian flag symbolize the nation's unity. Famous for its chocolate, beer, and waffles, this country boasts Brussels, the capital of the European Union, and prides itself on its cultural diversity.

With French and Dutch as its official languages, Belgium is a cultural crossroads of Europe. The colors of the flag inherit the spirit of the Brabant Revolution, and today, along with its status as an international city housing the EU headquarters, it showcases a successful model of multiculturalism.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇧🇪🍫 Chocolate heaven
🇧🇪🍺 Beer paradise
🇧🇪✨ Belgian vibes
🇧🇪🍟 Fries kingdom