
flag: Belize

flag: Belize, 깃발: 벨리즈


Belize is a small but beautiful country in Central America. Bordered by the Caribbean Sea, it is known for its stunning beaches and tropical rainforests.

The Belizean flag has a blue background with red stripes and an emblem in the center. The emblem features a tree, representing the beauty of nature.

벨리즈는 중앙아메리카에 있는 작지만 아름다운 나라입니다. 카리브해와 접해있어 아름다운 해변과 열대 우림이 유명합니다.

벨리즈 국기는 파란색 바탕에 빨간색 줄무늬가 있고 가운데 문장이 있습니다. 이 문장에는 나무가 그려져 있어 자연의 아름다움을 표현합니다.

Windows 11

Belize is a Commonwealth realm, a multicultural nation where English is the official language, yet it boasts a unique Creole culture. It's also famous as a diving destination, home to the second-largest barrier reef in the world.

Adopted upon independence in 1981, the flag consists of blue, symbolizing peace and harmony, and red, representing the value of labor. The central emblem depicts a shield and men beneath a mahogany tree, showcasing the importance of the timber industry, a legacy from the colonial era.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇧🇿 Belize vibes
🇧🇿✈️ Belize bound
🇧🇿🌴 Paradise mode