flag: Moldova
flag: Moldova, 깃발: 몰도바
Moldova is a small country located in Eastern Europe. It is known for its delicious wine and beautiful countryside.
The flag of Moldova features vertical stripes of blue, yellow, and red, with an eagle emblem in the center. It symbolizes freedom and independence.
몰도바는 동유럽에 있는 작은 나라입니다. 맛있는 와인으로 유명하며, 아름다운 시골 풍경이 많은 나라입니다.
몰도바의 국기는 파란색, 노란색, 빨간색 세로 줄무늬로 되어 있고, 가운데 독수리 문장이 있습니다. 이는 자유와 독립을 상징합니다.
Moldova is home to Milestii Mici, the world's largest wine cellar, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Its wine industry thrives, combining traditional winemaking methods with modern technology.
Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, showcases a blend of Soviet-era architecture and modern buildings. Traditional dishes like mamaliga and sarmale are popular among tourists, and the IT industry has been rapidly growing recently.