flag: Mauritius
flag: Mauritius, 깃발: 모리셔스
Mauritius is a beautiful island nation in the Indian Ocean. Its flag, comprised of four colors – red, blue, yellow, and green – is distinctive.
This country is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches and clear waters. It also boasts a unique culinary culture, a blend of various influences.
모리셔스는 인도양에 있는 아름다운 섬나라입니다. 빨간색, 파란색, 노란색, 초록색의 4가지 색으로 이루어진 국기가 특징입니다.
이 나라는 아름다운 해변과 맑은 바다로 유명한 관광지입니다. 다양한 문화가 어우러진 독특한 음식문화도 자랑합니다.
The colors of the Mauritian flag each symbolize the struggle for independence (red), the Indian Ocean (blue), new light (yellow), and the rich natural environment (green). The island was once home to the extinct dodo bird and is now known as a haven for ecotourism and luxury resorts.
A multicultural society, Mauritius is a harmonious blend of Indian, African, European, and Chinese cultures, earning it the nickname 'Rainbow Nation.' Creole cuisine and Sega music are prime examples of this cultural fusion.