flag: Mozambique
flag: Mozambique, 깃발: 모잠비크
Mozambique is a country in southeastern Africa. It is known for its beautiful beaches and wildlife.
The Mozambican flag has horizontal green, black, and yellow stripes with a red triangle on the left. Inside the triangle is a star featuring a book, a hoe, and a rifle.
모잠비크는 아프리카 남동부에 있는 나라입니다. 아름다운 해변과 야생동물로 유명합니다.
모잠비크 국기는 녹색, 검은색, 노란색 가로 줄무늬가 있고, 왼쪽에 빨간색 삼각형이 있습니다. 삼각형 안에는 책, 호미, 총이 있는 별 모양이 있습니다.
After gaining independence from Portuguese colonial rule, Mozambique endured a long civil war, but it is now a rapidly developing nation. It is achieving economic growth based on its abundant natural resources and tourism.
Each element of the flag holds deep meaning. Green represents the fertile land, black represents the African continent, and yellow symbolizes mineral resources. The book inside the star represents education, the hoe represents agriculture, and the rifle represents the struggle for independence.