
flag: Palestinian Territories

flag: Palestinian Territories, 깃발: 팔레스타인 지구


The Palestinian flag consists of horizontal black, white, and green stripes with a red triangle. This flag represents the identity of the Palestinian people.

Palestine is a region in the Middle East with a long history and culture. It is home to religiously significant cities like Jerusalem and Bethlehem and is known for its olive trees and traditional cuisine.

팔레스타인의 국기는 검정, 흰색, 초록색의 가로 줄무늬와 붉은 삼각형으로 구성되어 있습니다. 이 깃발은 팔레스타인 사람들의 정체성을 나타냅니다.

팔레스타인은 오랜 역사와 문화를 가진 중동의 지역입니다. 예루살렘, 베들레헴 같은 종교적으로 중요한 도시들이 있으며, 올리브 나무와 전통 음식이 유명합니다.

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The colors of this flag are the Pan-Arab colors, symbolizing Arab unity. Officially adopted by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964, it has come to symbolize Palestinian independence and self-determination.

While Palestine continues to face complex circumstances regarding territory and sovereignty, it preserves a rich cultural heritage, art, and culinary traditions. Notably, its embroidery and keffiyeh (traditional scarf) have become internationally recognized cultural symbols.

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🇵🇸✌️ Praying for peace
🇵🇸🕊️ Towards freedom
🇵🇸🌅 New hope rising