flag: Eswatini
flag: Eswatini, 깃발: 에스와티니
Eswatini is a small country located in Southern Africa. It was formerly known as Swaziland.
The country's flag features blue, yellow, and red stripes with a black and white shield in the center. The shield represents the country's traditions.
에스와티니는 아프리카 남부에 있는 작은 나라입니다. 예전에는 스와질란드라고 불렸어요.
이 나라의 국기는 파란색, 노란색, 빨간색이 있고 가운데 검은색과 하얀색 방패 모양이 있습니다. 방패는 이 나라의 전통을 보여줍니다.
In 2018, the king changed the country's name to Eswatini, which means "land of the Swazi people." It is the last remaining absolute monarchy in Africa.
The shield on the flag represents the traditional shields of Swazi warriors. The blue symbolizes peace, the yellow represents natural resources, and the red symbolizes past battles. The black and white tassels signify the peaceful coexistence of black and white people.