
flag: Vatican City

flag: Vatican City, 깃발: 바티칸 시국


Vatican City is the smallest independent country in the world. It features a yellow and white flag and is the center of the Roman Catholic Church.

It is home to the famous St. Peter's Basilica and the Pope. Many tourists from all over the world visit every year.

바티칸 시국은 세계에서 가장 작은 독립 국가입니다. 노란색과 흰색의 깃발이 특징이며, 로마 가톨릭 교회의 중심지입니다.

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The Vatican flag features two keys and a papal tiara, symbolizing the Holy See. The yellow represents spiritual authority, and the white represents temporal power, symbolizing the dual authority of the Holy See.

The Vatican Museums, which house the world's largest collection of art, and the Sistine Chapel ceiling, Michelangelo's masterpiece, are considered pinnacles of world cultural heritage. In modern times, the Vatican is also active in communication through social media.

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🇻🇦✝️ City of God
🇻🇦🙏 Holy ground
🇻🇦👑 Pope's crib