
Japanese “application” button

Japanese “application” button, 거듭 신


This emoji represents the Japanese kanji for "application". It's a unique symbol mainly used in East Asian cultures.

This emoji is typically used to indicate a formal application or registration process. It's also an interesting example of Japanese emoji culture.

일본어의 '신청'을 의미하는 한자 버튼 이모지예요. 동아시아 문화권에서 주로 사용되는 특별한 기호랍니다.

이 이모지는 주로 공식적인 신청이나 등록 절차를 나타낼 때 사용해요. 일본 이모지 문화의 특징을 잘 보여주는 재미있는 예시이기도 해요.

Windows 11

Used in cultures with Chinese characters, this emoji embodies the meaning of "repeatedly apply" (derived from the character 申). Originating from Japanese mobile phone culture, it has now become part of the international emoji standard.

In modern digital communication, it's considered a good example of cultural diversity. It is especially used as a unique tool for cultural exchange among young people worldwide interested in Asian culture.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🈸 time to apply
🈸📝 filling it out
🈸✍️ sending my app
🈸📋 let's do this