cinema, 영화
This symbol is used when talking about watching movies at the cinema. It's a frequently used emoji when discussing movies or going to the theater.
This represents enjoying movies, a beloved hobby worldwide. It's often used in messages when going to the movies with friends.
영화관에서 영화를 볼 때 사용하는 기호입니다. 극장에서 영화를 보거나 영화에 대해 이야기할 때 자주 쓰는 이모지예요.
전 세계 사람들이 좋아하는 취미 활동인 영화 감상을 나타내요. 친구들과 함께 영화를 보러 갈 때 메시지로 많이 사용해요.
This emoji, depicting a film camera or projector, symbolizes the film industry and film culture. It's used when discussing various film content, such as Netflix or theatrical releases, and frequently appears in movie reviews or recommendations on social media.
It also represents the film cultures of various countries, including Hollywood and K-movies. It's used when sharing news about international film festivals like the Academy Awards or Cannes Film Festival, and its use is even more prevalent in the age of OTT platforms.