
woman mechanic

woman mechanic, 여자 정비공


An emoji representing a female mechanic or technician. It's used to depict women working in professional technical occupations.

Represents a female professional who performs technical work such as car maintenance or electrical installations. It's a good example of gender equality in the professional world.

여성 정비공이나 기술자를 나타내는 이모지입니다. 전문적인 기술 직종에서 일하는 여성을 표현할 때 사용해요.

자동차 정비나 전기 설비 같은 기술 작업을 하는 여성 전문가를 나타내요. 성평등한 직업 세계를 보여주는 좋은 예시죠.

Windows 11

This is a symbolic emoji showing women's active participation in traditionally male-dominated occupations. It carries the meaning of emphasizing job equality and career diversity for women.

It has become an important symbol representing the development of female talent in STEM fields and gender equality in technical occupations in modern society. It's particularly recognized as a positive role model showing career diversity and possibilities to younger generations.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👩‍🔧 fix queen
👩‍🔧🔧 repair sis
👩‍🔧⚡️ volt queen
👩‍🔧✨ tool pro
👩‍🔧💪 fix boss