

alien, 외계인


This emoji represents an alien commonly seen in sci-fi movies and cartoons. It's characterized by large black eyes and green skin. It's used to express fun or fascinating situations.

It's frequently used to describe mysterious atmospheres or unusual events. Young people nowadays also use this emoji when they're doing something unique or encountering situations they can't comprehend.

SF영화나 만화에 나오는 외계인을 표현한 이모지예요. 큰 검은 눈과 초록색 피부가 특징적이에요. 재미있거나 신기한 상황을 표현할 때 사용해요.

미스터리한 분위기나 특이한 일을 설명할 때 자주 쓰여요. 요즘 젊은이들은 자신이 이해할 수 없는 상황이나 독특한 행동을 할 때도 이 이모지를 써요.

Windows 11

This emoji reflects the typical alien image established by Hollywood sci-fi movies. Its design is based on the 'grey alien' appearance that became widespread in popular culture after the 1947 Roswell incident.

In modern social media, it has evolved beyond its simple alien meaning to become a meme expressing 'incomprehensible', 'unusual', or 'surreal' situations. Among K-pop fans, it's often used to express idols' unique charms or exceptional talents.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

👽 big eyes alert
👽 alien swag
👽🛸 beam me up
👽✨ space vibes
👽🌍 earth takeover
👽🤖 alien bro