
orange book

orange book, 주황색 책


This emoji represents an orange book and is often used to symbolize fun and interesting reading.

This emoji is often used to represent books that are read for enjoyment, such as novels or comics. It signifies reading as a hobby or light reading material.

주황색 책을 나타내는 이모지로, 재미있고 흥미로운 독서를 상징할 때 많이 사용해요.

소설이나 만화책처럼 즐겁게 읽는 책을 나타낼 때 자주 쓰는 이모지입니다. 취미로 하는 독서나 가벼운 읽을거리를 의미해요.

Windows 11

The orange book emoji is often used symbolically to represent books in literature, art, and the humanities. It is especially used when introducing popular books such as novels, essays, and self-help books, and is effective in emphasizing the joy and leisure aspect of reading.

Recently, the use of this emoji has been increasing on Bookstagram and in reading communities. It is growing especially alongside the reading culture of younger generations and is often used when introducing book clubs or reading group activities.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

📙 bookworm
📙📚 reading junkie
📙🔥 reading grind
📙✨ orange buddy
📙🧡 book lover
📙💪 reading pro