
counterclockwise arrows button

counterclockwise arrows button, 반시계 방향 화살표


This arrow symbol means to restart or rewind something. It's frequently seen on smartphones and computers.

It's used to replay music or videos, or to refresh a webpage. On social media, it's also often used to mean "one more time."

무언가를 다시 시작하거나 되돌린다는 의미를 가진 화살표예요. 스마트폰이나 컴퓨터에서 자주 볼 수 있는 표시랍니다.

음악이나 동영상을 다시 재생할 때, 또는 웹페이지를 새로고침할 때 사용해요. SNS에서는 '다시 한번' 이라는 의미로도 많이 사용된답니다.

Windows 11

This symbol first appeared in early 1980s computer interfaces. This intuitive design, revolutionary at the time, has become an essential element of modern digital devices.

A recent trend among Gen Z is using this emoji to mean "rethink" or "reflect." It's especially common on social media when reminiscing about or reflecting on past memories.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🔄 replay
🔄 on loop
🔄🎵 song on repeat
🔄💫 round and round
🔄😵 existential crisis
🔄🎮 game reset
🔄📱 restarting app
🔄✨ fresh start