
input symbols

input symbols, 기호


This emoji 🔣 represents inputting special characters or symbols. It is used to express various symbols like @, #, %, and &.

It's needed when entering special characters frequently used in email addresses or on social media. It's also used when creating emoticons or special effects.

🔣는 특수문자나 기호를 입력하는 것을 나타내는 이모지예요. @, #, %, & 같은 다양한 기호들을 표현할 때 사용합니다.

이메일 주소나 SNS에서 자주 사용하는 특별한 표시들을 입력할 때 필요해요. 이모티콘이나 특수효과를 만들 때도 활용됩니다.

Windows 11

The 🔣 emoji symbolizes the input of special characters, which is essential in modern digital communication. Various symbols, such as the @ in email addresses, the # in hashtags, and currency symbols, play an important role in online communication.

In particular, Gen Z creatively combines these symbols to create new meanings or uses them as emoticons to express emotions. Symbols representing music like ♪♫ or expressing feelings like ❤️ have become a global language.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🔣 secret code
🔣✍️ messy notes
🔣💬 what even is this
🔣⌨️ typo fail
🔣📝 exam panic