dove, ëđëęļ°
Doves are birds that symbolize peace worldwide. There are various species, from the common gray doves seen in cities to white doves.
The dove, a symbol of peace, is often depicted carrying an olive branch. Many people around the world use the dove emoji when wishing for peace.
ëđëęļ°ë ėļęģė ėžëĄ ííëĨž ėė§íë ėė ëëĪ. ëėėė íí ëģž ė ėë íė ëđëęļ°ëķí° íė ëđëęļ°ęđė§ ëĪėí ėĒ ëĨę° ėėīė.
ííė ėė§ėļ ëđëęļ°ë ėŽëĶŽëļ ëëę°ė§ëĨž 뎞ęģ ėë ëŠĻėĩėžëĄ ėėĢž ę·ļë Īė§ëëĪ. ė ėļęģ ë§ė ėŽëëĪėī ííëĨž ęļ°ėí ë ëđëęļ° ėīëŠĻė§ëĨž ėŽėĐíīė.
The dove became a symbol of peace from the biblical story of Noah's Ark. It is said that after the great flood, a dove returned with an olive branch, signaling a peaceful land. Since then, the dove has become a symbol of peace and hope worldwide.
In modern times, the dove symbol frequently appears in peace movements or anti-war protests. Picasso's 1949 painting, "The Dove of Peace," became a representative symbol of world peace, and international organizations such as the UN often use the dove as an image symbolizing peace.
Emoji Combinations
Emoji Phrases
Related Emojis for dove
íėí ėīëŠĻė§ę° ėėĩëëĪ.