

eleven-thirty, 열한 시 반


This clock emoji represents eleven-thirty. It precisely shows the time 11:30.

This time signifies either the late morning, as lunchtime approaches, or the late night. For many people, it's a time for preparing for the end of the day.

열한 시 삼십 분을 나타내는 시계 이모지예요. 11시 30분을 정확하게 보여주고 있어요.

이 시간은 점심시간이 다가오는 오전이나, 깊어가는 밤을 의미해요. 많은 사람들이 하루의 마지막 준비를 하는 시간이기도 해요.

Windows 11

11:30 AM is the time when many office workers prepare for lunch, and restaurants around the world begin to get busy. It's also an important turning point in schools and companies.

11:30 PM is a significant time, especially on weekends or the eve of holidays. It's one of the times when young people around the world are most active on social media, and it's known as a peak time for streaming services.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🕦 late night vibes
🕦💤 should sleep rn
🕦😪 dead tired
🕦📱 scrolling thru
🕦🍜 midnight snack time