
left speech bubble

left speech bubble, 왼쪽 말풍선


This left-pointing speech bubble emoji represents the start of a conversation or a reply. It's mainly used to signal the beginning of a chat or message.

It's frequently used in online conversations to start a new topic or continue a discussion. It's helpful when you want to smoothly guide the conversation.

왼쪽을 향한 말풍선은 대화의 시작이나 응답을 나타내는 이모지입니다. 주로 채팅이나 메시지의 시작을 알릴 때 사용해요.

온라인 대화에서 새로운 주제를 시작하거나 이야기를 이어갈 때 자주 쓰입니다. 대화를 부드럽게 이끌어가고 싶을 때 활용하면 좋아요.

Windows 11

Inspired by the design of Western comics and webtoons, this emoji visually represents the direction of a conversation. It's particularly useful in online discussions or group chats for naturally guiding the flow of conversation.

It's effective in digital communication for marking the starting or turning point of a conversation. Among Gen Z, it's actively used to mean "I'm starting a new topic," and has become an element of online etiquette.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🗨️ gen z talk
🗨️💭 spilling tea
🗨️💬 chatting
🗨️❗ story time