hammer and wrench
hammer and wrench, 망치와 렌치
A hammer and wrench are basic tools used for repairing or assembling machinery. They are also frequently used for simple repairs around the house.
With the growing popularity of DIY (Do It Yourself) culture, these tools have become more familiar. Many young people use them as well.
망치와 렌치는 기계를 고치거나 조립할 때 사용하는 기본 도구예요. 집에서 간단한 수리를 할 때도 자주 사용합니다.
요즘은 DIY(직접 만들기) 문화가 인기를 얻으면서 이런 도구들이 더욱 친숙해졌어요. 젊은 사람들도 많이 사용한답니다.
The hammer and wrench are representative tools of the industrial age and have evolved alongside the advancement of mechanical civilization. In modern society, they have become essential not only for professional technicians but also in the daily lives of ordinary people.
Recently, with the spread of maker culture, these tools have taken on new meaning. As DIY content gains popularity on social media, interest in hand tools is increasing among the younger generation.