
airplane arrival

airplane arrival, 비행기 착륙


This emoji represents an airplane landing. It's used when you arrive at your destination.

It's often used to let people know you've arrived safely from a trip or business trip. It's frequently used in messages like, "I've arrived safely! 🛬"

비행기가 땅에 내려오는 모습을 나타내는 이모지예요. 목적지에 도착했을 때 사용합니다.

여행이나 출장에서 무사히 도착했음을 알릴 때 많이 써요. '잘 도착했어요! 🛬' 같은 메시지를 보낼 때 자주 사용합니다.

Windows 11

This is a common emoji used to signify the end of a trip or long-term stay. It expresses safe arrival and the joy of reunion. It's especially effective when conveying the excitement of looking forward to reuniting with family and friends.

In this global era, with the increase in international flights, this emoji has become even more familiar. It's also a popular emoji among fans, often used when sharing news about K-pop idols' overseas tour schedules or celebrities' arrivals.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🛬 touchdown
🛬💕 home sweet home
🛬🏠 back to base
🛬👋 arrived fam
🛬✨ safe and sound
🛬☁️ sky's limit