green square
green square, 녹색 사각형
The green square emoji symbolizes nature and peace. Like a green traffic light, it's often used to signify "start" or "go."
It's frequently used to create checklists on social media and in messages. It's especially popular among younger generations for organizing to-do lists and plans.
녹색 사각형은 자연과 평화를 상징하는 이모지입니다. 신호등의 초록불처럼 '시작'이나 '진행'을 의미할 때 자주 사용됩니다.
SNS나 메시지에서 체크리스트를 만들 때 많이 쓰이고 있어요. 특히 젊은 세대들이 할 일 목록이나 계획을 정리할 때 자주 활용합니다.
In the digital age, the green square has become a symbol of environmental protection and sustainability. It frequently appears in ESG management and eco-friendly campaigns, establishing itself as a trendy emoji reflecting the environmental awareness of Generation Z.
Recently, it's also been used as slang for the "green screen" effect on TikTok and Instagram. It's also used as an element in color palettes for digital and pixel art, and has become a notable design element in the NFT art market.