
person in lotus position

person in lotus position, 가부좌한 사람


The lotus position is a traditional meditation posture with legs crossed. Sitting in this pose can help you find inner peace.

These days, even schools and workplaces incorporate meditation time to relieve stress. Just 10 minutes a day in this position can bring peace of mind.

가부좌는 다리를 접어 앉는 전통적인 명상 자세예요. 이 자세로 앉아서 마음의 평화를 찾을 수 있답니다.

요즘에는 학교나 회사에서도 명상 시간을 가지면서 스트레스를 풀어요. 하루 10분만 이렇게 앉아있어도 마음이 편안해진답니다.

Windows 11

Originating in the Buddhist cultures of the East, the lotus position has become a global symbol of well-being in modern times. Scientific studies have shown its effectiveness in reducing stress and improving concentration.

Recently, even Silicon Valley tech companies have started offering meditation rooms for their employees' well-being. Much like Korea's Templestay program, traditional meditation practices are being reinterpreted in modern ways, establishing themselves as a new lifestyle trend.

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🧘 zen mode
🧘✨ self care szn
🧘💫 mental reset
🧘🌸 soul cleanse
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🧘🌅 healing era
🧘💆 empty mind