

toolbox, 공구통


A toolbox is a box for storing various tools like hammers, screwdrivers, and wrenches. Red toolboxes are the most common.

They are essential items for home repairs and for professional mechanics. They are especially popular among DIY enthusiasts.

공구통은 망치, 드라이버, 렌치 같은 여러 도구를 보관하는 상자예요. 빨간색 공구통이 가장 많이 알려져 있어요.

집에서 직접 수리할 때나 전문 정비사들이 일할 때 꼭 필요한 물건이에요. DIY를 좋아하는 사람들에게 특히 인기가 많답니다.

Windows 11

Toolboxes have become a symbol of professionalism and self-reliance, going beyond simply being a storage container for tools. Recently, with the spread of DIY culture, it has become trendy for even younger generations to have their own toolboxes.

'Toolbox tours' are popular content on YouTube and social media. These videos introduce and share ways to organize one's toolbox, offering a good opportunity to glimpse the know-how of experts.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🧰 fix it all
🧰 pro level
🧰💪 expert mode
🧰✨ problem solver here
🧰🛠️ repair master