leftwards pushing hand
leftwards pushing hand, 왼쪽으로 밀치는 손
The leftwards pushing hand emoji is often used to mean "Hold on a second" or "Please wait." It's an expression used to gently interrupt someone.
It's also frequently used among friends and family to mean "Stop" or "No more." It can also be interpreted as extending a left hand for a high five.
왼쪽으로 밀치는 손 이모지는 '잠깐만요' 또는 '기다려주세요'라는 의미로 많이 사용됩니다. 상대방에게 부드럽게 중지를 요청할 때 쓰는 표현이에요.
친구나 가족과 대화할 때 '그만'이나 '스톱'이라는 의미로도 자주 써요. 하이파이브를 할 때 왼손을 내미는 모습으로도 해석될 수 있어요.
This emoji can be interpreted in various ways depending on the culture. In Western cultures, it's primarily used as a "stop" sign, while in Eastern cultures, it's more commonly used to mean "Wait a moment." In social media and messengers, it's used to pause the flow of conversation or to interrupt someone's message.
Recently, it's frequently used among Gen Z as a playful way to say "Stop it" or "Cut it out" during jokes or lighthearted conversations. It's especially popular among K-pop idol fans as a cute way to express disapproval.