
stop button

stop button, 정지 버튼


This button is used to stop playing music or videos. It's characterized by a black square shape.

It's easily found on remote controls or music apps. Unlike pause, it represents a complete stop.

재생 중인 음악이나 영상을 멈출 때 사용하는 버튼이에요. 검은색 네모 모양이 특징입니다.

리모컨이나 음악 앱에서 쉽게 찾을 수 있어요. 일시정지와는 다르게 완전히 멈추는 기능을 나타냅니다.

Windows 11

This button has been used on cassette players since the 1960s. Its meaning as a universal "stop" symbol has continued into the digital age.

On modern multimedia devices, it not only stops playback but also signifies a complete halt of the current operation, returning to the initial state. It's widely used in this sense in programs and games as well.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

⏹️ stop
⏹️✋ cut it out
⏹️🛑 hold up
⏹️⛔ enough