cloud, 구름
This emoji represents a cloud, which is a collection of water droplets floating in the sky. It's often used when talking about the weather.
Clouds sometimes bring rain or snow, and they also create beautiful shapes. Looking up at the sky and imagining the various shapes clouds make can be a fun activity.
구름은 하늘에 떠다니는 물방울들이 모여 있는 모습을 나타내는 이모지예요. 날씨를 이야기할 때 자주 사용해요.
구름은 때로는 비나 눈이 되어 내리기도 하고, 멋진 모양을 만들기도 해요. 하늘을 보면서 구름이 만드는 다양한 모양을 상상하는 것은 재미있는 놀이가 될 수 있어요.
Clouds are a natural phenomenon formed by the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere, and they serve as an important indicator when describing weather forecasts or meteorological conditions. On social media, they are often used to express dreamy or peaceful moods.
Since ancient times, clouds have been an important subject in art and literature. In Oriental paintings, "cloud and crane" paintings, known as "unhakmun," have conveyed auspicious meanings. In modern times, the term "cloud computing" is used as a technical term, symbolizing the digital age as an important metaphor.