
check box with check

check box with check, 체크박스


This check box is commonly seen in votes or surveys. It indicates that something has been selected.

It's used to make selections from multiple options on computers or smartphones. You'll often see it when shopping or making reservations online.

투표나 설문조사에서 많이 보는 체크박스예요. 선택했다는 의미를 나타내는 표시예요.

컴퓨터나 스마트폰에서 여러 가지 중에서 하나를 고를 때 사용해요. 특히 온라인 쇼핑이나 예약할 때 자주 볼 수 있어요.

Windows 11

This check box is a basic element of digital interfaces, playing a crucial role in visually representing user choices. It's especially useful in situations where multiple selections are allowed, clearly showing the user's decisions.

In modern UX design, it has become a key element for improving user experience. It's used as an intuitive way to express choices in various situations, such as online surveys, agreeing to terms and conditions, and configuring settings.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

☑️ mission complete
☑️✅ done and dusted!
☑️💯 cleared
☑️👍 sorted
☑️😎 easy peasy