

radioactive, 방사능


This sign indicates dangerous areas with radioactive materials. The yellow and black symbol has the same meaning worldwide.

You might see this sign in places like hospital x-ray rooms or nuclear power plants. Entry to these areas is restricted without special permission.

방사능 물질이 있는 위험한 곳을 알려주는 표시예요. 노란색과 검은색으로 된 이 표시는 전 세계에서 같은 의미로 사용해요.

병원의 엑스레이실이나 원자력 발전소 같은 곳에서 볼 수 있어요. 이 표시가 있는 곳은 특별한 허가 없이 들어갈 수 없어요.

Windows 11

This is the international standard symbol created in 1946 to warn of the dangers of radioactivity. The three blades rotating towards the center represent the nature of radioactivity.

In 2007, a more intuitive 'radiation hazard symbol' was added, featuring a skull and crossbones and a running person to ensure immediate recognition of the danger. It has become an essential safety sign in modern society.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

☢️ danger zone
☢️💀 death vibes
☢️⚠️ touch = bye bye
☢️😱 run for it