chess pawn
chess pawn, 체스 폰
The pawn is the most basic piece in the game of chess. They are placed on the front rank at the start of the game and can move forward one square at a time.
The pawn is the first piece that beginners learn when they start playing chess. Although it's a small piece, it plays a crucial role in determining the outcome of the game.
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In chess, the quintessential strategy game, the pawn symbolizes the 'soldier.' In the early stages of the game, pawns are key to defense, while in the later stages, they become crucial for offense. In modern society, the pawn is often used metaphorically to represent a 'small figure' or 'scapegoat.'
The fact that a pawn can be promoted to a queen upon reaching the opposite end of the board serves as a great example of the growth potential of a seemingly insignificant entity. Because of this characteristic, pawns are often used in movies and literature as a motif representing success and challenge in life.