shinto shrine
shinto shrine, 신토 신사
This emoji represents a traditional Shinto shrine building in Japan. It's characterized by red pillars and a distinctive roof shape.
Shinto is the traditional religion of Japan, and these shrines are an important part of traditional Japanese culture. Many people visit them for New Year's visits and festivals.
일본의 전통적인 신사 건물을 나타내는 이모지예요. 빨간색 기둥과 특별한 지붕 모양이 특징이랍니다.
신토는 일본의 전통 종교이고, 이런 신사는 일본 전통문화의 중요한 부분이에요. 새해 참배나 축제 때 많은 사람들이 찾는 곳이랍니다.
Shinto shrines embody the indigenous Japanese beliefs of nature and ancestor worship. The red gate, called a torii, symbolizes the entrance to a sacred space.
In modern Japan, Shinto shrines hold cultural significance alongside their religious meaning. They frequently appear in anime and games, and are recognized by many people worldwide, including Korea, as a representative image of Japanese culture.