
part alternation mark

part alternation mark, 부분 교체 기호


This symbol is used in music to indicate a change in parts. It's a special symbol that can be seen in songs or sheet music.

It's also used to mark part changes in K-pop songs or scene transitions in musicals. These days, you can even see this symbol in music apps.

이 기호는 음악에서 파트가 바뀌는 부분을 표시할 때 사용해요. 노래나 악보에서 볼 수 있는 특별한 기호예요.

K-pop 노래의 파트 체인지나 뮤지컬의 장면 전환을 표시할 때도 써요. 요즘은 음악 앱에서도 이런 표시를 볼 수 있어요.

Windows 11

Originally, this symbol is said to have originated from traditional Japanese music notation. In modern times, it has evolved into an international musical symbol and is used in various genres of music.

In digital music production software, this symbol is used to indicate track transitions or mixing points. It is especially useful in modern music genres like EDM or hip-hop to mark changes in beats or melodies.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

〽️ what's the tea
〽️❗ no way fr
〽️⁉️ nah fam
〽️🤔 sus
〽️😅 can't even