P button
P button, 주차 표시
This is an international symbol indicating the availability of parking. It's a sign that conveys crucial information in urban life.
On smartphones, it's a handy way to communicate about parking. It's useful when looking for or sharing the location of a parking lot.
주차 공간이 있다는 것을 알려주는 국제적인 표시예요. 도시 생활에서 매우 중요한 정보를 전달하는 표지판이에요.
스마트폰에서는 주차와 관련된 이야기를 할 때 간단히 사용할 수 있어요. 주차장을 찾거나 알려줄 때 유용하게 써요.
This symbol is one of the internationally standardized road signs from the 1971 Vienna Convention. It's used with the same meaning worldwide, aiding drivers' convenience.
Recently, it has been integrated with advanced technology, such as smart parking systems, to provide real-time parking space information. It is evolving into a key element in solving the serious parking problems of large cities in particular.