flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina
flag: Bosnia & Herzegovina, 깃발: 보스니아 헤르체고비나
This is the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It features a blue background with a yellow triangle and a row of white stars.
Adopted in 1998, this flag symbolizes peace and unity. The yellow triangle represents the shape of the country, and the stars represent the hope for Europe's future.
보스니아 헤르체고비나의 국기입니다. 파란 바탕에 노란 삼각형이 있고, 흰 별들이 줄지어 있는 모습이 특징입니다.
1998년에 채택된 이 국기는 평화와 화합을 상징합니다. 노란 삼각형은 나라의 모양을, 별들은 유럽의 미래를 향한 희망을 나타냅니다.
The flag's design reflects the nation's vision for joining the European Union. The continuous row of stars symbolizes everlasting peace and represents the unity of the three ethnic groups.
Located at the historical crossroads of the Balkan Peninsula, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a place where diverse cultures coexist. The flag's design embodies the people's desire for a peaceful future after the civil war of the 1990s and expresses the value of respecting cultural diversity.