
flag: Congo - Brazzaville

flag: Congo - Brazzaville, 깃발: 콩고-브라자빌


The Republic of the Congo, also known as Congo-Brazzaville, is a country located in Central Africa. Its flag consists of three colors: green, yellow, and red.

The colors of the flag represent peace and nature (green), wealth and friendship (yellow), and independence and freedom (red). These colors are arranged diagonally, which is a distinctive feature of the flag.

콩고-브라자빌은 아프리카 중부에 있는 나라입니다. 이 나라의 국기는 녹색, 노란색, 빨간색 세 가지 색으로 이루어져 있어요.

이 국기의 색깔은 각각 평화와 자연(녹색), 부와 우정(노란색), 독립과 자유(빨간색)를 의미합니다. 대각선으로 배치된 이 색들이 특징이에요.

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The Republic of the Congo's official language is French, and it is known for its rich rainforests and diverse wildlife. It is particularly well-known as a habitat for primates such as gorillas and chimpanzees.

Since gaining independence from France in 1960, the flag has played a significant role in symbolizing the nation's identity. Its capital, Brazzaville, sits across the Congo River from Kinshasa, the capital of the neighboring Democratic Republic of the Congo, making them one of the closest pairs of capital cities in the world.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇨🇬 Congo-B vibes
🇨🇬🌴 Rainforest trip
🇨🇬🐘 Wild country