
flag: Clipperton Island

flag: Clipperton Island, 깃발: 클리퍼턴섬


Clipperton Island is a small, uninhabited French coral island located in the Pacific Ocean. It is a truly unique place.

The island's flag uses the same blue, white, and red tricolor as the French flag, representing the French ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity.

클리퍼턴섬은 태평양에 있는 작은 프랑스령 섬입니다. 아무도 살지 않는 산호섬으로 매우 특별한 곳입니다.

이 섬의 깃발은 프랑스 국기와 같은 청백적 삼색기를 사용합니다. 프랑스의 자유, 평등, 박애 정신을 보여줍니다.

Windows 11

This island, which gained attention in the late 19th century for phosphate mining, now holds significant ecological value. It is important as a habitat for unique marine ecosystems and rare birds.

After France claimed ownership in 1858, there was a territorial dispute with Mexico, but it finally became French territory in 1931. Currently, it is designated as a special management area for scientific research and environmental protection.

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🇨🇵 French vibes
🇨🇵🗼 Parisian life
🇨🇵✨ French chic
🇨🇵🥖 Bread paradise