
flag: Diego Garcia

flag: Diego Garcia, 깃발: 디에고 가르시아


Diego Garcia is a small island in the Indian Ocean. It is a special place, home to a military base administered by the United Kingdom.

The island's flag is based on the British flag. It features the shape of the island and palm trees, indicating its tropical location.

디에고 가르시아는 인도양에 있는 작은 섬입니다. 영국이 관리하는 군사기지가 있는 특별한 곳입니다.

이 섬의 국기는 영국 국기를 바탕으로 하고 있습니다. 섬의 모양과 야자수가 그려져 있어 열대 지역임을 알 수 있습니다.

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Diego Garcia occupies a strategically important location and serves as a major military base for the United States and the United Kingdom. It is also known for its beautiful coral reefs and pristine waters.

The island has a controversial history involving the forced displacement of its indigenous population, and a territorial dispute between the UK and Mauritius continues to this day. Designated as an environmental protection zone, it preserves a unique marine ecosystem.

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🇩🇬 Island life
🇩🇬🏖️ Paradise mode
🇩🇬🌴 Tropical feels