flag: United Kingdom
flag: United Kingdom, 깃발: 영국
The United Kingdom's Union Jack is one of the most recognizable flags in the world. Composed of red, blue, and white, it's well known for its striking design.
This flag represents the union of England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Frequently used in fashion and design, it's popular among young people worldwide.
영국의 유니온 잭은 세계에서 가장 유명한 깃발 중 하나예요. 빨강, 파랑, 하얀색으로 이루어진 이 깃발은 멋진 디자인으로 잘 알려져 있습니다.
이 깃발은 잉글랜드, 스코틀랜드, 북아일랜드를 하나로 표현한 것이에요. 패션이나 디자인에서도 자주 사용되어 전 세계 젊은이들에게 인기가 많답니다.
The Union Jack took its current form in 1801 and combines crosses representing the patron saints of each region. It has influenced the flags of Commonwealth countries, demonstrating its significant global impact.
Recently, K-pop stars have been wearing Union Jack-designed clothing, reinterpreting it as a new cultural icon. Even after Brexit, it remains an important motif in global culture and fashion.