
flag: Jersey

flag: Jersey, 깃발: 저지


Jersey is a small island in the British Channel Islands. It's famous for its beautiful beaches and historic castles. It's a popular tourist destination.

The flag of Jersey features a red X. This design is a traditional pattern that has been used for a long time. It's a symbol of the island's pride.

저지섬은 영국령 채널제도에 있는 작은 섬입니다. 아름다운 해변과 역사적인 성들이 유명하죠. 관광객들이 많이 찾는 휴양지입니다.

저지의 국기는 빨간 X자 모양이 특징입니다. 이 디자인은 오래전부터 이어져 온 전통적인 문양이에요. 섬의 자부심을 나타내는 상징이기도 합니다.

Windows 11

Jersey is a small island located between England and France, known for its unique financial system and low tax rates. As a global financial center, many international companies have offices here.

The flag of Jersey is said to be based on St. Patrick's Cross. Used since the 12th century, this design was influenced by Norman culture. The red X symbolizes the island's independence and autonomy, and remains an important symbol of Jersey pride to this day.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇯🇪🌊 Little Britain
🇯🇪🏖️ Hidden gem
🇯🇪 Channel Islands' finest