
flag: Malawi

flag: Malawi, 깃발: 말라위


Malawi is a country in southeastern Africa. Its flag has horizontal stripes of black, red, and green, with a red sun.

This country is known for Lake Malawi, the third-largest lake in Africa. It's called the "Warm Heart of Africa" because of its friendly people.

말라위는 아프리카 남동부에 있는 나라입니다. 검은색, 빨간색, 초록색의 가로 줄무늬와 붉은 해가 있는 국기를 가지고 있습니다.

이 나라는 말라위 호수라는 아프리카에서 세 번째로 큰 호수로 유명합니다. 친절한 국민성 때문에 '아프리카의 따뜻한 심장'이라고 불립니다.

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On the Malawian flag, black represents the African continent, red symbolizes the struggle for independence, and green represents nature. The rising red sun signifies freedom and hope. The country is also known for its unique folk music and dances, especially the Gule Wamkulu, which is listed as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Recently, Malawi has been focusing on developing sustainable agriculture and ecotourism, with the coffee industry experiencing rapid growth. It is also gaining international attention for its efforts to promote women's education and rights.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇲🇼 Heart of Africa
🇲🇼🦁 Safari time
🇲🇼🌍 Malawi adventure