flag: Tristan da Cunha
flag: Tristan da Cunha, 깃발: 트리스탄다쿠나
Tristan da Cunha is a British overseas territory located in the South Atlantic Ocean. It's one of the most remote inhabited places in the world.
The island's flag features the Union Jack along with the island's coat of arms. Around 250 people live on the island.
트리스탄다쿠나는 남대서양에 있는 영국령 섬입니다. 세계에서 가장 외딴 곳에 있는 거주지 중 하나예요.
이 섬의 깃발은 영국 국기와 섬의 문장이 함께 있습니다. 섬에는 약 250명 정도의 사람들이 살고 있어요.
The island was annexed by the United Kingdom in 1816 and is now a British Overseas Territory, along with Saint Helena and Ascension Island. It's located 2,800 km from the nearest continent, Africa.
The island's economy relies primarily on lobster fishing and postage stamp sales. Its unique ecosystem attracts the attention of ecologists. Due to its volcanic nature, the residents were evacuated in 2004 because of a major storm.