
flag: Mayotte

flag: Mayotte, 깃발: 마요트


Mayotte is a French island located in the Indian Ocean, east of Africa. Its flag has a white background with red and blue, and two yellow crescents in the center.

Mayotte is a popular tourist destination known for its beautiful beaches and coral reefs. It's home to unique animals like lemurs, and whales and dolphins can be seen in the surrounding waters.

마요트는 아프리카 동부 인도양에 있는 프랑스령 섬입니다. 이 깃발은 하얀 바탕에 빨간색과 파란색이 있고, 가운데에는 두 개의 노란 초승달이 있어요.

마요트는 아름다운 해변과 산호초로 유명한 관광지예요. 이곳에는 독특한 동물인 여우원숭이가 살고 있고, 바다에서는 고래와 돌고래도 볼 수 있답니다.

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Mayotte officially became the 101st French department in 2011 and is the outermost region of the European Union. This region is a unique blend of African and French cultures, where both Shimaore, the local language, and French are spoken.

Mayotte's flag is based on the French tricolor of red, white, and blue, symbolizing its status as a French territory. The two crescents in the center represent the Islamic cultural influence, reflecting the region's historical background and cultural identity. Currently, Mayotte is known as "Little France" in Africa and is attracting attention as a place where you can experience a unique cultural fusion of Europe and Africa.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇾🇹🏖️ Hidden paradise fr
🇾🇹🌺 French island getaway
🇾🇹🐠 Coral reef diving szn