
flag: Zambia

flag: Zambia, 깃발: 잠비아


Zambia is a country in Southern Africa. Its flag features an eagle on a green background.

It is famous for Victoria Falls and is a major copper producer. It's known as a peace-loving nation.

잠비아는 아프리카 남부에 있는 나라입니다. 녹색 바탕에 독수리가 그려진 깃발이 특징이에요.

빅토리아 폭포로 유명한 나라이며, 구리가 많이 나는 곳입니다. 평화를 사랑하는 나라로 알려져 있어요.

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The green on the flag represents the country's rich natural resources, and the eagle symbolizes the nation's vision of overcoming challenges and soaring to great heights. The orange stripe represents mineral resources, the black stripe represents the people, and the red stripe represents the struggle for independence.

Victoria Falls, one of the largest waterfalls in the world, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As one of the most peaceful countries in Africa, Zambia boasts a peaceful coexistence of diverse tribal cultures.

Emoji Combinations - Copy & Paste

🇿🇲🌿 Heart of Africa
🇿🇲💧 Victoria Falls check
🇿🇲🐘 Wildlife paradise fr