fallen leaf
fallen leaf, 낙엽
Fallen leaves refer to the dry leaves that fall from trees in autumn. It is a natural phenomenon that signifies the change of seasons.
This emoji is used to express the melancholic or changing nature of autumn. It is frequently used when discussing autumn weather or atmosphere.
낙엽은 가을이 되면 나무에서 떨어지는 마른 잎을 의미합니다. 계절의 변화를 보여주는 자연스러운 현상입니다.
가을의 쓸쓸함이나 변화를 표현할 때 사용하는 이모지입니다. 가을 날씨나 분위기를 이야기할 때 자주 사용합니다.
Fallen leaves are a significant natural phenomenon, symbolizing the cycle of nature and new beginnings. The fallen leaves decompose on the ground, becoming fertilizer for new life, embodying nature's wisdom that an ending is also a new beginning.
In literature and art, fallen leaves frequently appear as a metaphor for ephemerality, change, and new beginnings. In modern social media, they are often used to express autumnal sentiments or discuss life changes and reflections, particularly in autumn-themed content or sentimental posts.