green apple
green apple, 초록 사과
Green apples, unlike common red apples, are fruits characterized by a sweet and sour taste. They can also refer to unripe apples and are known to be healthy.
Granny Smith is a representative variety of green apple, and its refreshing taste makes it popular for desserts and juices. When used in cooking, it can be used to make delicious pies or jams.
초록 사과는 일반적인 빨간 사과와 달리 새콤달콤한 맛이 특징인 과일입니다. 미성숙한 사과를 의미하기도 하고 건강에 좋은 과일로 알려져 있습니다.
그래니 스미스라는 품종이 대표적인 초록 사과로, 상큼한 맛 때문에 디저트나 주스로 많이 사용됩니다. 요리할 때 사용하면 맛있는 파이나 잼을 만들 수 있어요.
Green apples are known to be effective for diet and skin care because of their high acidity and low sugar content. In particular, they are rich in pectin, which is said to be good for intestinal health.
One theory is that Apple's logo, a green apple with a bite taken out of it, is a tribute to Alan Turing, considered the father of computing. It is said that he ended his life by eating an apple laced with cyanide.